Welcome to SSA

SSA Fall 2023 Retreat - Hiking at Table Mountain

The Singapore Student Association (SSA) is a student organization that provides a close-knit family for students in UC Berkeley who are associated with or interested in the Singaporean culture.

SSA CNY Celebration - we made dumplings!

We do this by running numerous events throughout the year, ranging from social events like Friendsgiving, to professional events like company visits and graduate school talks. The picture above was taken during our Lunar New Year dinner in Spring 2024 - we made (and of course ate) dumplings!

SSA Mid Autumn Festival

We also collaborate with other culture-based student organizations on campus to promote each of our own distinct cultures and heritage. For example, we co-organized a Mid-Autumn Festival celebration with the Malaysian Student Association at Berkeley (MASA) and the Berkeley Indonesian Student Association (BISA). The picture you see here is of us making lanterns during that fun-filled evening!

Needless to say, SSA is the community to find wholesome, fun, and talented people to hang out with, as well as to learn and strengthen your ties with the Singaporean culture!