What's in it for you?
+ Discounted rates for our exciting semesterly retreats
+ The SSA big-little system and regular socials catering to any
hobby/interest (e.g. picnics, volleyball games, dinners, movie
+ Exclusive networking opportunities with US- and Singapore-based
organizations and companies
+ A welcoming community and life-long friends in SSA
Terms & Fees
+ Memberships entail yearly fees (see the table below for details)
+ Memberships are only confirmed after the Treasurer processes the
aforementioned yearly fees
+ Memberships can be obtained at any point of the academic year
+ All membership are personal and are non-transferable
1-Year Membership
Fee: USD 60
Best for full-time UC Berkeley students and NTU REP Exchange
1-Semester Membership
Fee: USD 45
Best for one-semester exchange students
Register Now